Style Sheet for Submissions to MKSNew style sheet:
Please follow the MKS style guidelines as used in this
sample article: MKSTemplate.doc,
introduced in this brief video.
a. Copy --
Please submit copy electronically via e-mail only.
Send copies in both Microsoft Word and PDF format.
Be sure to include and/or attach any unusual fonts that your manuscript requires.
If possible, however, please prepare your entire paper using a single Unicode-compliant font.
b. Margins --
Use an A4 page layout, and leave a wide margin of at least 2 inches (5 cm) on all sides.
Text should have fully justified (not ragged) right margins.
Do not add hyphens to break words between lines.
c. Typing --
Please do not use the formatted template for your first submission -- wait until
your text is approved by the Editor before you invest effort in formatting.
The type should be no smaller than 10 point or 10 pitch (elite).
Double-space between all lines (including tables, charts, and notes).
d. Pagination -- Number all pages
sequentially, including pages that have charts. 2. TYPE FACES back
to TOP a. Italics -- Use italics for all
cited language material, including both real and reconstructed material,
except in columnar charts or between slashes or square brackets. Also use
italics for the titles of books or journals but not for articles. In a
typed manuscript italics may be indicated by a single underline. Italics
may be used for secondary headings. b. Bold
-- Boldface type may be used for main headings, for unnumbered
subheadings, or for emphasis in the text. In a typed manuscript boldface
is indicated by a wavy underline. c. Small
capitals -- Small caps may be used for
emphasis in the text or for grammatical markers in morpheme-by-morpheme
translations. In a typed manuscript indicate small caps by a double
underline. 3. PUNCTUATION back
to TOP a. Quotation marks -- Use double
quotes for direct quotation from literary sources and reported speech
(e.g., John said, ). Use single quotes for a quote within quotes. Use
single quotes for a translation gloss in the text stream; in some cases
they can be omitted in columnar charts or tables. A period or comma
follows the single quote after a translation gloss (aseh means horse.) but
precedes single or double closing quotes elsewhere. b. Parentheses, brackets, etc. --
Use parentheses (...) to enclose peripheral comments; avoid parentheses
within parentheses; if necessary, substitute square brackets for the inner
parentheses ([...]). Use square brackets [...] to enclose editorial
comments or phonetic material. Use slashes /.../ to enclose specifically
phonemic material. Use curly brackets {...} to enclose a class of
material. Periods (.) go inside parentheses when a complete sentence is
enclosed; otherwise periods go outside. c. Hyphens, dashes -- Hyphenate
after prefixes only when followed by a capital letter (pre-Khmer) or when
the result would be ambiguous (recreation, re-creation). An en dash is
used to indicate a range (12-15, May-June). An em dash is used for
emphasis, a break in thought, or appositives (Will hecan hefind them?). A
dash should not have a space before or after it. d. Periods, commas, colons --
Ellipsis is indicated by three close-set periods ( ... ) with a space
before and after; do not add a fourth for punctuation. Use a comma after
the expressions e.g. and i.e. only when a full sentence follows. Use a
comma before the conjunction that joins the last of a series of three or
more coordinate items (A, B, or C). Use commas in numbers (8,000 not
8000). Do not put a space before a colon. Punctuation usually takes the
same type face as the text immediately preceding it. For names, insert a
space following the period after the last initial (L.M. Huang). e. Questions, exclamations -- Use
exclamation marks sparingly; overuse makes them ineffective. Question
marks and exclamation marks are placed inside or outside of quote marks
depending on whether or not they are part of the quotation. 4. FOOTNOTES back to
TOP a. Content -- Be sparing of
footnotes. Put important material in the text and bibliographic
information in the References section, and delete peripheral comments that
do not contribute to the main point of the article. Footnotes will
ultimately be placed at the bottom of pages for publication. b. Sequence -- Number footnotes
serially throughout the article, not page by page. They may be placed at
the bottom of the page as footnotes or collected at the end of the article
as endnotes. c. Format -- Indicate the footnotes
in the text with a superscript number, preferably at the end of a clause
or sentence. The number follows all other punctuation. In the footnote
itself the number, followed by a period, is placed at the left margin. 5. CITED FORMS back to
TOP a. Format -- A letter, word,
phrase, or sentence cited as a linguistic example or as the subject of
discussion should be in italics unless it is between square brackets or
slashes. The gloss follows in single quotes. b. Orthography -- Forms in a
language not written with a roman-based alphabet should be transliterated
or transcribed; do not add the script form without strong reason. Remember
that many of our readers will not be familiar with the script. 6. ABBREVIATIONS back
to TOP a. Punctuation -- Abbreviations
ending in a lowercase letter are followed by a period; abbreviations
ending in a capital are not (etc. PMK). b. Language names, grammatical terms
-- Names of languages placed before cited forms are often abbreviated, but
language names used as nouns are not usually abbreviated unless they are
being used very frequently in the text; (MK khlang), but (khlang in Middle
Khmer). Similarly with grammatical terms (nhi clf. rot) but (the
classifier rot). c. Journal names -- Titles of well
known journals or frequently cited books may be abbreviated in
bibliographical references, e.g. MKS, BSOAS, JA, JSS, JBRS, CAAAL. (See
the latest issue of MKS for the list of accepted abbreviations.) d. Usage -- Try to use only
abbreviations that are common throughout the English-speaking world. For
example, 9c for ninth century is common European but not American usage;
better to use 9th cent. 7. TITLES and HEADINGS back
to TOP a. Capitalization -- Capitalize
only the first word and any proper names. b. Section headings -- Section
headings, with or without a number, should be flush with the left margin.
Major numbered section headings are boldface, secondary numbered section
headings are italic, and minor unnumbered section headings may be
boldface. Major sections start a new paragraph below the heading;
secondary and minor sections may be run on with the heading. c. Punctuation -- A section heading
has a period before run-on text; there is no period if there is no run-on
text. d. Running heads -- Omit the
running head on article title pages, full-page illustrations, and
broadside table or charts. Blank pages should bear a page number. On the
title page of articles for the running head substitute a footer with the
journal name, volume number, date, and the page number for that article. 8. TABLES and CHARTS back
to TOP a. Appearance -- Plan each table or
chart so that it will fit into the printed page without crowding, leaving
ample white space between columns. Do not use vertical and horizontal
lines unless it would not be clear without them. b. Column heads -- Column headings
should be short so as to stand clearly above their respective columns. If
longer headings are needed, represent them by numbers or capital letters
and explain these in the legend below the table. c. Position and reference -- The
position of tables and charts may need to be shifted by the layout editor,
so they should be numbered consecutively throughout the article and should
be referred to in the text by number, not by positional references such as
the preceding chart. d. Legend -- Each table or chart
should have a centered legend below it containing a number, usually a
short title, and, if needed, a short explanation. A long table may also
have a short title at the top. Table numbers and chart number should be
italic 12 points 9. SPELLING and GRAMMAR back
to TOP Either standard British or American spelling and grammar are
acceptable, but be consistent throughout the article. The word data may be
treated as either a count noun or a mass noun but be consistent throughout
the article. 10. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE back
to TOP a. Position -- Bibliographic
details should never be given in the text; it is strongly recommended that
they be collected in a Reference section at the end of the article rather
than scattered in footnotes. b. Reference in text -- Brief
reference in text should take form such as Haudricourt 1962 or Henderson
1952:125-6 or Liem (1974:182-96). c. Full citation -- A full citation
should have the author's name, the date of publication, the title, the
editor (if any), the page numbers (if part of a volume or journal), and
the publisher. A book or journal title should capitalize all main words;
an article title should capitalize only the first letter of the first word
and proper nouns. A book or journal title should be in italics, an article
should not be. The titles of well-known journals can be abbreviated, e.g.,
MKS for Mon-Khmer Studies. The full title with the abbreviation will
appear in the list of abbreviation at the beginning of MKS. Briefly
translate foreign titles. Punctuate as in the following examples: d. Personal names -- Give full
personal names as shown on the book or article or as commonly used in
publications by that author. Do not reduce the first name to initials
unless that is the normal practice of that author. Alphabetize author's
names as discussed in Section 11b. 11. PERSONAL NAMES back
to TOP a. Short reference -- Authors
should be referred to by the short form that is the accepted polite form
in their culture. Thus for Malay, Lao, and Thai names it is usually the
first (given) name, for Vietnamese names it is usually the last (given)
name, for Chinese names it is usually the first (family) name; and for
European names it is usually the last (family) name. Cambodian names don't
generally have short forms. If an authors preference is known to be
different from this, follow that preference; e.g., Nguyen Dinh Hoa prefers
to be referred to as Nguyen, but Nguyen Dang Liem preferred to be referred
to as Liem. In MKS the author's name at the beginning of an article gives
his preferred short form in full caps. b. Alphabetization -- Alphabetize
according to the short reference part of the name (Section 11a); if it is
necessary to turn the author's name around, as with European names, insert
a comma after the alphabetized part, as in the examples in Section 10c.
Chinese and Vietnamese names, however, should be alphabetized according to
the first (family) name, as is their current scholarly practice. Burmese
names should move the honorific (U, Naw, Saw, etc.) to the end before
alphabetizing. 12. REFERENCES back
reference with EDITORS: A
reference with REVIEWER: David Thomas. 1983. Review of Jenner & Pou,
Lexicon of Khmer Morphology. NOL 25:44. A
reference to an UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT: Ai Ching. n.d. A Miao secret language. Unpublished
ms. 27 pp. A
reference to a PAPER presented at a CONFERENCE: Benedict, Paul K. 1996. Interphyla flow in Southeast
Asia. Paper presented on January 8th at the Fourth International
Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Pan-Asiatic Linguistics,
Bangkok, Thailand, (January 8-10, 1996 |